Thursday, 9 May 2013

a night to remember?

Hi Hi
I'm soooo sorry I haven't blogged for a while, but I've been exceedingly busy with exams and bluerrrgghh. Anyway, last thursday was PROM. Its was an extremely joyous occasion but unfortunely the music wasn't up to much, so I have compiled a 'practically perfect prom tunes playlist' for your delectation....

Panic- The Smiths

I Always Knew- the Vaccines

Be A Body- Grimes

Biology- Girls Aloud

Common People- Pulp

Disco 2000- Pulp

Kill The Director- The Wombats

Be My Baby- The Ronettes

Kiss That Grrrl- Kate Nash

lots of love 
Sophie xxx


  1. grimes, the ronettes <33
    great dreamy playlist!

    [my weirdoland -]

  2. I love these songs! This is awesome.
